Announcement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & PromotionAnnouncement & Promotion2022年3月10日NOTICE: DECREASE OF AIR FREIGHT SURCHARGE
UPDATE: 10/3/2022 12:00 PM Dear Valued Customers: Warehouse: Guangzhou, China General cargo air freight surcharge: Adjusted from 65% to 60%, the drop is between 5%- the retail price of subsequent weight for West Malaysia lowest is RM8.80/0.5kg; for East Malaysia lowest is RM17.60/0.5kg Sensitive cargo air freight surcharge: Adjusted from 55%...